If you are involved in a production or making a movie and want to put a dazzle into your show we have many different effects that we can do for you, from flash pots that give a bright flash and smoke to flame jets and gerbs , also we can provide low fog or smoke haze, blowing cars up in spectacular fashion, having gunshots or even explosions with bright colours with in them.
We can arrange a demonstration for you so we can tailor the effect for you.
If you need to put more dazzle into your performance we have many different effects that we can do for you, from flash pots that give a bright flash and smoke, flame jets, gerbs and fountains across the stage from 1 second to 60 seconds, also we can provide low fog or smoke haze.
Confetti cannons to shower the end of a show or as a surprise for the audience at the end of each performance.
Exploding balloons 150 x 100mm balloons falling from the sky all over the stage.
We can arrange a demonstration for you so we can tailor the effect for you.
If you are involved in a band and want to put a dazzle into your performance we have many different effects that we can do for you, from flash pots that give a bright flash and smoke to flame jets and gerbs across the stage, also we can provide low fog or smoke haze.
Confetti cannons to shower the stage with large confetti that flutters around you. These are 30mm x 30mm in size, and fall around you alongside an exploding balloon of 150 x 100mm in size, which showers balloons from the roof at the end of the performance.
We can arrange a demonstration for you so we can tailor the effect for you.
Outdoor Fireworks
Indoor Fireworks
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