Fireworks Hire Regulation in Victoria

Many of our valued clients are interested in the regulations regarding fireworks hire in Victoria. Airwize is happy to shed some light on the laws and regulations regarding fireworks hire in our state.

Fireworks as a Pyrotechician Licence

The Pyrotechnicians Licence provides authority for a person or business to use fireworks. WorkSafe no longer authorises licences that allowed the discharge of theatrical fireworks and Chinese firecrackers on a single occasion.

There has been a change to the requirement to notify of intended fireworks display – the seven day notification requirement has since been extended to indoor/theatrical displays. The requirement remains with the need to notify intentions to WorkSafe, the local council and relevant fire authority. However, you should check with your local council regarding any additional requirements when it comes to the notification period.

Pyrotechnicians such as the professionals at Airwize can temporarily store fireworks for up to seven days – in line with the notification period. The temporary storage must also match requirements for medium-scale storage (although there is no requirements for a medium-scale storage licence). The location of the temporary storage must be specified in the company’s ‘Notification of Intention to Discharge Fireworks’ application.

Regarding the Licence

To discharge fireworks, you have to hold a licence as a pyrotechnician. This licence also allows the professional to transport and temporarily store limited amounts of fireworks.

Someone who wants to enter the industry can apply for the following licence types:

  • Theatrical fireworks
  • Ground display
  • Chinese fireworks
  • Aerial shells (up to 75mm)
  • Aerial shells (up to 100mm)
  • Aerial shells (up to 150mm)
  • Aerial shells (up to 300mm)
  • Aerial salutes (up to 75mm)

The Mutual Recognition of Interstate Licences

One who holds a current Pyrotechnician Licence issued by other Australian states can apply for Mutual Recognition of competency within Victoria.

The Mutual Recognition application allows you to apply for a Pyrotechnician Licence in Victoria utilising an interstate licence to provide evidence of competency. This process is subject to confirmation of your current pyrotechnician licence by the issuing state and will result in the licence being issued with same current expiry date as your interstate licence.

Council Regulations

Councils do not approve or issue permits for the use of fireworks. If you are hosting a special event, ensure that your contractor hold a current pyrotechnician licence from WorkSafe Victoria as well as liability insurance cover. Airwize hold both a current pyrotechnician licence and liability insurance cover. The pyrotechnical contractor you hire is responsible for completing a ‘Notification of Intention to Discharge Fireworks’ before the event.

Contact Our Experts

Airwize, as Victoria’s most trusted team for safe, dazzling fireworks displays, not only meet all safety regulations, but are highly experienced in dealing with local authorities. We can ensure your special event is able to have the pyrotechnical display you want and can have it approved with local council.

To enquire about our state of the art pyrotechnical displays, please feel free to get in contact with our friendly and helpful team. Simply call us on 0409 387 757 or submit an enquiry form on our contact page and we will get back to you with all the information you require regarding fireworks regulation in Victoria, as well as our amazing pyrotechnical displays.